8 Stories We Cared About in 2014

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We sure celebrated big victories like the passage of the Reproductive Health Law in April, but we were also aware and quick to point out the small battles people face everyday on the streets, on the Internet, and in their homes.

Why the Supreme Court Must Affirm the RH Law’s Legality

MP-KNN teamCommunity & Culture, Data and ResearchLeave a Comment

It’s been a year since the SC issued a Status Quo Ante Order (SQAO) against the law’s implementation, and for most of RH advocates privy with relevant statistics, that’s another year’s worth of increase in unwanted and teenage pregnancies, inaccessibility to maternal and child care, and increased incidences of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Drawing the Line

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By Liwliwa Malabed The Forum for Family Planning and Development, Inc. organized a press conference on the recent family planning and reproductive health debate on October 5, 2010 at Annabel’s … Read More