Thank you so much for your interest in Mulat PinoyKabataan News Network! It’s been our passion and purpose to provide relevant and credible information about population and development issues that are relevant to young people, and we’re more than happy to share this wonderful opportunity with you.

Our main publishing channel is, which hosts easy-to-read and shareable information that caters to Filipino youth. We publish in four main formats: articles, photo essays, infographics and videos, but we are open to hybrid formats as well (article and photo essay, or article and infographic), especially when you think that’s the most effective way to tell your story.

What are the stories we want to tell at MP-KNN? As we are guided by a population and development (PopDev) perspective, we look at how humans or the population affect resources and progress and vice versa. Please see the infographic below on what a PopDev story is for MP-KNN:

MP-KNN PopDev Diagram

MP-KNN PopDev Diagram

Step-by-step guide to the editorial process at MP-KNN


Is your story a PopDev story? If it falls under any of the categories in the middle portion of the diagram above, it is a PopDev story!


When developing your story, try to think about these perspectives to make sure it has a PopDev angle:

    • Does it concern people’s and the youth’s quality of life?
    • Is it connected to development, progress or use of resources?
    • Will it explore people’s and the youth’s view and actions on economic and gender equality, discrimination and stereotypes, and/or cultural practices related to those?

Proceed with producing your story. For documentation and monitoring purposes, please send the following information to the MP-KNN team.

SUBTOPICS (if any):
FORMAT (article, photo essay, hybrid):
THESIS (In one sentence, what is your story going to be about?):

Research and Interviews:
Production period:
Projected publication date:

CONCERNS ABOUT DOING THE STORY (access, interviewees, documents, etc):
CONTACT DETAILS (email address, contact numbers):


Inform the MP-KNN team of any concerns, from the production process to ethics.


Submit your story on time based on the timeframe you proposed. Follow the format below.


BLURB (One-sentence description of your story):
BYLINE (How you want your name to appear as author of the work):
WORD COUNT (Body text, maximum of 800 words):
ARTICLE FILE NAME: FirstFourWordsOfTitle_Surname (e.g.TeenPregnancyInPH_Cruz)
ARTICLE SPECS: Word or Text file (.doc or .docx)
VISUALS: Please include at least three (3) hi-resolution files with a minimum of 250dpi resolution. You may include relevant logos and symbols, and photos that are royalty-free and in the public domain, as long as you provide the proper photo credit (author of the photo, URL of the website you grabbed it from). If you can’t find the images you need online, best to produce your own.

Photo Essays

BLURB (One-sentence description of your story):
BYLINE (How you want your name to appear as author of the work):
WORD COUNT (Body text, maximum of 400 words for photo essays,
800 words for hybrids):
PHOTO FILE NAME: FirstFourWordsOfTitle_Surname_OrderNumber (e.g.TeenPregnancyInPH_Cruz_1)
NOTE: 15 to 20 photos only
PHOTO SPECS: At least 250dpi resolution, 3:2 aspect ratio, colored or black and white, JPG file
PHOTO CAPTION: Less than 50 words for each photo


BLURB (One-sentence description of your story):
BYLINE (How you want your name to appear as author of the work):
WORD COUNT (Body text, maximum of 500 words):
INFOGRAPHIC FILE NAME: FirstFourWordsOfTitle_Surname (e.g.TeenPregnancyInPH_Cruz)
INFOGRAPHIC SPECS: 300dpi resolution, 800px in width and at least 800px in length, PNG file


BLURB (One-sentence description of your story):
BYLINE (How you want your name to appear as author of the work):
LENGTH OF VIDEO (minutes, seconds):
VIDEO FILE NAME: FirstFourWordsOfTitle_Surname (e.g.TeenPregnancyInPH_Cruz)
VIDEO SPECS: May be in the form of interviews, skits, animation, animated infographics, short films, etc.; Minimum of 240p (426×240) resolution, maximum of five (5 minutes) encoded in .mov or .mp4 formats

Reminders to contributors

  1. Contributions to MP-KNN are completely voluntary and should be created and produced by contributors on their own time and with their own resources.
  2. With the absence of monetary compensation, the MP-KNN team can provide relevant traditional and new media training for its contributors, whose works will be published for free and with promotions over MP-KNN’s media channels.
  3. Contributors may be given access and special passes to MP-KNN’s events (organized in-house and through partnerships) for coverage and opportunities to network.
  4. As deadlines are self-imposed, contributors are expected to submit on time. Should there be changes and challenges in the production process, contributors must inform MP-KNN’s team at once for adjustments.
  5. Contributors own full rights to their work published at MP-KNN, but MP-KNN reserves the right to modify outputs from contributors for editorial correctness and clarity, as well as determine whether or not materials are fit for online publication and sharing via MP-KNN’s online venues.

3 Comments on “Contribute to MP-KNN”

  1. Juim S. Abanag

    I am very excited to contribute articles regarding population and development.

  2. Juim S. Abanag

    I do believe that it is through writing one can contribute in making a difference.

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