[Ano Sa Tingin Niyo?] Pedicab Fare Decrease in Dumaguete City

MP-KNN team#YouthReportersLeave a Comment


Dumaguete City, the City of Gentle People, utilizes pedicabs as its primary means of public transportation. When the pedicab drivers declared a strike on January 21 due to a fare decrease, the people of Dumaguete were greatly affected. For some, the fare decrease was justifiable since the price of gasoline had also decreased. For others, however, the decrease was too much for the pedicab drivers, especially those with families to feed and children to send to school.

MP-KNN’s Dumaguete Bureau has asked students, who often use pedicabs for transportation, if they are in favor or not of the fare decrease. Here’s what they have to say.

Produced by: Mariana Varela, Michelle Osias, Jessah Milvar, Cheri Ansale

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