Can You Picture a World Without Violence?

MP-KNN teamCommunity & Culture, Data and Research, The Changing Youth1 Comment


Public and private spaces are witnesses to all sorts of violence, but unlike wars and civil disorder, violence in the home and among intimate partners are not always visible. Evidences of abuse are concealed and cries are hushed, if only to save the erring person or the victim from shame or stigma.

Yet, statistics show that one in three women worldwide have experienced violence, according to UN Women. In 2012, one in two women murdered were killed by their partners or family. In the Philippines, one in five women age 15 to 49 (or women of reproductive age) have experienced physical violence since age 15.

When it happens to more people and too often, can you still picture a world without Violence Against Women (VAW)? Learn more about the causes of violence and help prevent it from happening to you, your family and your friends. Share this link and your thoughts using the hashtags #endVAWph and #violenceagainstwomen.

By the Numbers: Violence Against Women (via UN Women)

By the Numbers: Violence Against Women (via UN Women)


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