It’s high time that we become open to the natural phenomena that occur among human beings. Our elders tend to be conservative about discussing sex with younger people because they think it’s improper to discuss such a private thing, and they think it’ll further cause the youth to explore the “uncharted” and engage in sex. They’d rather not discuss it in the interest of “prevention.”
However, the more they deprive the youth of knowledge regarding sex, the more that the youth will make uninformed decisions about it. Young persons end up resorting to different sources (which are inaccurate, more often than not) to gain information about sex. Our options become limited to what conservative culture offers us because important things, such as sex and sexuality, are not openly discussed.

A parody of Lualhati Bautista’s famous book, “Bata, bata…Pa’no Ka
Ginawa?” on this shirt reminds the youth to make informed decisions about their sexual activities.
If we are to invest (though I personally don’t like the term because we are not commodities or market stock) in the youth, we should provide them with opportunities to learn and explore. And this would be impossible to achieve if we remain backward and closed-minded about legitimate concerns and genuine issues that affect society.

Sam YG shares with the audience some of his experiences and insights on sex education, and talks about why it’s important to openly discuss these topics with the youth.
Originally published as a blog by Pau Requesto.