Global Employment Trends for Youth 2013: A generation at risk

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Press release: Vulnerable, poorly paid and unemployed: The reality of work for most youth in developing countries

School-to-work transition surveys of developing countries show that youth are far more likely to land low quality jobs in the informal economy than jobs paying decent wages and offering benefits. Access to education and training remains a major stumbling block.–en/index.htm

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2013

The new study examines the continuing job crisis affecting young people in many parts of the world. It provides updated statistics on global and regional youth unemployment rates and presents ILO policy recommendations to curb the current trends.

(Full report 161 pages – pdf 5.6 MB) – download full report–en/index.htm

Key findings

  • Youth jobs’ gains wiped out by slow recovery
  • The long-term impact of the youth employment crisis could be felt for decades.
  • 73.4 million young people – 12.6 % – are expected to be out of work in 2013, an increase of 3.5 million between 2007 and 2013.
  • Behind this worsening figure, the report shows persistent unemployment, a proliferation of temporary jobs and growing youth discouragement in advanced economies; and poor quality, informal, subsistence jobs in developing countries.–en/index.htm

The Philippines as mentioned in the report

  • Encouraging trends in youth unemployment in the two most populous countries in South‐East Asia and the Pacific: the Philippines and Indonesia. (page 20)
  • Unemployment rates for young men declined relatively more rapidly compared with young women. (page 20)
  • Since the onset of the global economic and jobs crisis in 2008, part‐time work seemed to have become an increasingly significant part of labour market adjustments for youth in the Philippines (page 20)
  • In the Philippines, youth aged 15‐24 saw a decrease in unemployment from 18.6 per cent in April 2008 to 17.3 per cent in April 2009. During that 1‐year period, however, the share of youth working part‐time (less than 30 hours per week) increased notably from 26.6 per cent to 32.0 per cent. (page 20)
  • While part‐time employment remains higher among young Filipino men than their female counterparts, the increase in the part‐time employment rate since 2008 has been considerably higher among female youth (8.6 percentage points) than male youth (5.5 percentage points). (page 20).

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