Young Ilocano Artist on Social Media for Social Change

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For young Ilocano filmmaker Jasper Dawang, social media changed the way artists like him promote their work and culture.

Dawang, president of Malayang Ilocano Film Production, said that if they want to reach their audience, social media is the way to go. Since his peers indulge in social media such as Twitter and Facebook, young artists like him gain exposure using these tools.

“You can promote art in social media. Facebook has a lot of members… Not just young people, but all kinds of people. Not just one or two people will see your message. If they like your art, they will share the post,” he said.

“As we share media, as we share art to other people, they will understand more our sense or view. For example, if I share my art, they will see that this is the work of an Ilocano and they will also see that we, as Ilocanos, can create something beautiful,” he added.

Dawang also said that he follows the Twitter accounts of directors such as Joey Reyes and Brilliante Mendoza for inspiration.

Reach of Social Media


Jasper Dawang, president of Malayang Ilocano Film Production (Photo from his Twitter account)

Dawang, also the president of non-government organization Youth for Change, believes that social media can spark social changes due to its reach. A bullying incident that happened in Manila or Cotabato can reach young people like him, who live in Ilocos, in a matter of minutes. People can react on issues like it and something can be done, he said.

However, while it can be used for good, it can be used for to deceive people, Dawang also said. “If I can have things my way, I would create an ‘Anti-Misleading Profile Photo’ law!” he jokingly added.

He explained that his peers, whenever they see someone good-looking in Facebook, even if they don’t know the person, they would instantly add them. He said that this is dangerous, especially since there are a lot of imposters online.

Dawang, however, tries to connect online with only people he knows. He also said that he will continue to use social media to promote his works, especially since his group is planning to join Cinemalaya, a national film competition. He hopes that through the use of social media, people from all over the country will be interested in local talents like him.

“Our films try to focus on social problems, but we also put in some elements of love in the story. We plan to join Cinemalaya in the future so we can showcase the artistry of Ilocanos. The connotation in Manila is that Ilocanos are thrifty and are not talented. It should be that Ilocanos are talented! It’s like what our motto in Laoag says: ‘Laoag is a place for special people,’” he said.


Link: Youth for Change and Jasper Dawang in the news

One Comment on ““Young Ilocano Artist on Social Media for Social Change”

  1. Jasper Jay P. Dawang

    Thank you for this article. Thank you Ms. De Guzman and to the Mulat Pinoy Staff and Team, rest assured, I’ll support you. 🙂 With best wishes, I remain. 🙂

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