PRESS RELEASE: Youth can win Php 25k in Mulat Pinoy video contest

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Cash prize for first place winner of youth video contest

MANILA, Philippines – What would you do with Php 25,000? Buy the latest Android phone? Book a vacation for two in Boracay? Shop for funky new clothes and shoes? Or maybe even watch the upcoming Jennifer Lopez concert!

But what would you have to do to win all that cash? Just take out your camera and speak up about sexual health. You don’t even need a fancy video camera or complex editing. You can use the camera right there on your phone, or use your laptop webcam! Then log on to the Shout or Shush page on Facebook and submit your video. It’s that easy!

“Sexual Health: Shout or Shush?” is Mulat Pinoy’s third annual video contest. Mulat Pinoy invites youth aged 30 and below to speak their minds on anything related to sexual health. The deadline for the submission of entries is October 15, 2012.

Mulat Pinoy is looking for videos that have strong messages and say what young people are thinking about when it comes to sexual health. “Good production values are well and good, but what is the point of special effects or high tech editing if you don’t have something to say? Powerful messages that express youth concerns are more important in this video contest,” says Dante Gagelonia, Project Coordinator of Mulat Pinoy.

In 2011, Mulat Pinoy’s We Are RH video contest garnered over thirty entries from young people aged 25 and below from all over Metro Manila, and provinces like Quirino, Iloilo and Davao. Iloilo nurse Junnillee Araño won the first prize for her video, “Tingog”. The other finalists included a music video from University of Mindanao’s Rochelle Cariño and a video about a metaphorical MMO from Quezon City siblings Niño, Nicai and Nicko De Guzman.

Mulat Pinoy’s partners and sponsors for “Sexual Health: Shout or Shush?” include the Foundation for Adolescent Development, Inc., Consuelo Foundation, the Forum for Family Planning and Development and IT company Brewed Concepts. Media partners include the Philippine NGO Council on Population, Welfare and Development and the Knowledge Channel.

For more information:

Regina Layug Rosero, Project Coordinator
(02) 4330456
[email protected], [email protected]
Twitter: @mulatpinoy #shoutorshush

2 Comments on “PRESS RELEASE: Youth can win Php 25k in Mulat Pinoy video contest”

  1. Nicko de Guzman

    Hi, Mulat Pinoy!

    You spelled my name wrong. HAHA. It’s N-I-C-K-O. 🙂

    Thank you and more power to this organization!

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