Dead Heroes come alive on Twitter

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Champions of the RH Bill
By Noel de Guia, Contributor

We may be dead but our ideals are alive and we are kicking bad asses. InDios We Trust!
Philippines •

Dead Heroes Society June 6, 2011

Yes, our dead heroes are back. And they are taking the lead in promoting the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill in Congress.

Calling themselves the Dead Heroes Society of the Philippines (DHS), Filipino ‘dead heroes’ and some foreign ones have begun appearing on various social media sites such as Twitter since 2011.The Dead Heroes Society is a group of young bloggers reliving the personas of national heroes online to make netizens, old and young, become more aware of history, current events, plus their common and individual advocacy.

The primary purpose of the DHS is to create awareness on the importance of the Reproductive Health Bill, which has been gathering dust in Congress for 16 long years. Several ‘heroes’ offer updates on activities and provide relevant news on the RH Bill debate via Twitter. Just like what heroes are expected to do, they encourage and tell people to act on social issues that affect the nation.

The ‘ghosts’ of the Dead Heroes take turns creating interesting and appealing content for readers. The primary goals of the Dead Heroes are:

  • To create Champions for various advocacies
  • To start online conversations between the Champions and audience
  • To increase conversion and discussions with adherents/followers of advocacies
  • To create an effective call to action for audience participation through online surveys for RH, and sign-ups for online petitions
  •  To make effective use of social media to increase audience awareness and consciousness on social issues

The group conducted a tweet drive in 2011 urging people to take a proactive stand on the RH Bill issue with an online signature campaign. The number of signatures significantly increased every time the ‘dead heroes’ would promote the initiative.

These ‘resurrected heroes’ would always engage in discussions with people who are for and against the RH Bill.

Oftentimes, the Dead Heroes would discuss among themselves, just to keep the conversation alive.

The group attracted attention when the Dead Heroes Society twitter account ( @DeadHeroesSocPh) and some of its ‘ghosts’ were featured in the “ Tweets of the Week” segment of’s June 6,2011 issue, alongside famous showbiz personalities. Another account re-enacted the trial and martyrdom of Dr. Jose P. Rizal on Twitter on the occasion of his 115th death anniversary at Bagumbayan.

The Dead Heroes are here to stay among us. Let’s hear it from the ghosts:


I think Joan of Arc was an incredibly courageous woman. Her firm stance in what she believed was right was commendable. I would like to think that I burn with the same passion with regards to the things I believe in and fight for.
I believe in equal rights for women and the LGBT community. I believe and support the RH Bill, the anti-epal bill and the FOI bill. I believe that there is a strong need for media literacy in the country. I believe in voter education; and that people should keep voting despite losing faith in the government. June 6, 2011


As a registered nurse, I was exposed to the dire situation of our country focused on health related issues. During the time I was invited to join the Dead Heroes Society, the RHBill was the most talked about issue in Twitter and other social media.

Tandang Sora was the first hero who came to my mind. Aside from being a wise woman, I decided on using her as an inspiration because of the holistic help she gave to the Katipunan. In addition to that, I am a modern nurse, hence my chosen name of @BatangSora.

I fight for universal health and overall improvement of every Filipino family. It may be a tough battle to fight, but as a member of our community and as a professional who has the ability to help, I use all available means to achieve our goals.


Gabriela Silang ‏ – @Ms_Gabbrielle

I admire heroes who sacrificed their lives and families for others to fight for freedom. I only knew one thing, back when I thought about heroes: for love and freedom, I wanted to have the strength and qualities of Gabriela Silang.

Gabriela belonged to the family of the first Galician who arrived in Candon in the late 17th century, Ignacio Cariño. When her husband was executed, she fled to Abra and took refuge in Tayum, in the house of her uncle Nicolas, her father’s brother. She led a group of revolutionaries and succeeded many times. Until she died, she fought for what she believed to be right.

I advocate for and understand our human rights. You can find me in the streets, shouting and spreading awareness to our silent and clueless neighbours. I have lots of things on my mind. I want to help everyone that I can reach.

One thing is for sure: I will die fighting for what is right, no matter what. June 6, 2011

I believe that our heroes should ‘live’ even after they are long gone. The lives and works of these great men and women must always serve as an inspiration for our generation and the next generations of Filipinos to come. We must never forget.

Why Dr. Jose P. Rizal? The reason is because we are faced again with the same issues, characters and events as in the times when Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were written. Only this time, the opposition is far more powerful and wealthy.

The intention is to bring Rizal back to the national conversation; to make ‘him’ comment on the various social issues and concerns of the modern-day Filipinos. Just like before, using wit and humour, the purpose is to make us think, to ask the right questions, and in our own small ways find our own solutions and answers.

One Comment on ““Dead Heroes come alive on Twitter”

  1. Ethel

    This is very interesting. I’ve been friends with some of our national heroes on Facebook for a few years now.

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