The educational materials are turned over to Department of Health Secretary Dr. Eric Tayag. Photo by Adrian Jeric Peña and Shaira Alyssa Ang.
Text and photos by Adrian Jeric Peña and Shaira Alyssa Ang, Social NetWorth bloggers
Babae Plus and PAFPI (Positive Action Foundation Philippines, Inc.), in cooperation with multimedia company Betelnuts, Inc. launched an educational audio-visual presentation on Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and a Counseling Flipchart on Reproductive Health Choices for People Living with HIV, on Friday, July 27, 2012, at Cine Adarna, University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.
The newly created multimedia tools aim to raise awareness about PMTCT and to counteract its alarming, increasing rate in the country. According to the AVP, there are four components of PMTCT: 1) Prevention for women of reproductive age, 2) Prevention of unintended pregnancy, 3) Prevention of mother-to-child transmission and 4) Treatment, care and support for women living with HIV, their children and families.The educational materials, which include a flipchart and an audio-visual presentation, were officially turned over to the Department of Health, represented by Dr. Eric Tayag, during the launch event.
In June, DOH reported 295 new cases of HIV, bringing the total number of reported HIV cases for the year to 1,600 cases. The DOH recorded only 1,591 HIV cases in 2010.
The educational materials on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS were produced in cooperation with the DOH, Positive Action Philippines, Inc and Babae Plus.