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Tuesday, August 7 is the day Congress will vote to end the period of interpellation on the RH bill. As it draws nearer, we urge each and every one of us to come and join the following:

August 6, Monday, 6:00 pm 

Nationwide simultaneous candle lighting and noise barrage for RH Bill!

Light a candle for RH Bill! We urge you to organize vigil, candle lighting and noise barrage in your respective areas.

In Manila, at the South wing gate of the House of Representatives (HOR), RH leaders and personalities will hold a series of activities from 1:00 pm – 7:30 pm with the candle lighting and noise barrage at 6:00 pm as the main program.

August 7, Tuesday- Plenary session to vote to stop the period of interpellation on the RH Bill

9:00 am to 2:00 pm – program at the South wing gate .

4:00 pm – Plenary session to vote to stop the period of interpellation on the RH Bill, Main Building, HOR.

Troop to Congress and wear purple shirts on these two dates!


Continue to

– Maximize social media – tweet or Facebook pro RH legislators to attend sessions

– Maximize media to send our urgent message to the legislators


Once again, let us take collective action to pass the RH bill. Now na!


For more information, please contact Joy Salgado of Likhaan (0915 407 9894) and Kit Onate, RHAN Secretariat (0927 863 6394)

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