Gov’t Official reiterates support for the Reproductive Health Bill

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Albay – Commission on Population (POPCOM) Region 5 Regional Director Ms. Magdalena Abellera reiterates her support on the still pending national policy on Reproductive Health bill.

“The current administration, headed by the President, Hon. Benigno Aquino III has and always has been a staunch supporter for Responsible Parenthood.  The current administration supports all methods of family planning and recognizes the right of couples to choose any method based on informed choice and decision.”Abellera said.

Abellera added that “President Aquino supports the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill by including it in the Legislative Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC) last August 16, 2011.”

“I believe that having a comprehensive programs/policy on responsible parenthood can provide parents the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to respond to the needs of their respective families.” Said by Mr. Miracle Bolanos, Information Officer POPCOM RPO 5.

Mr. Bolanos added “Based on the 2007 Census, Bicol Region recorded 243,600 women in 15-19 age groups. If we compute the Age Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) of age group 15-19 or 54 per 1,000 women, then we have 13,154 estimated teenagers who have begun childbearing in Bicol Region alone. This growing statistics just shows that we need an effective support system for the youth to become healthy, productive responsible parents.”

Dr. Eden R. Divinagracia, Executive Director of the Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare Inc. (PNGOC) added that POPCOM has always been one of our partners in the support for the passage of the Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development act.

PNGOC is a national umbrella network with more than 97 member NGOs. It strongly asserts that NOW is the right time for the passage of a Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood, and Population Development policy to recognize the needs of our women, children and families

Pass the reproductive health bill NOW!

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