Groups to Present Alternative to Spanking as a Form of Non-Violent Discipline

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Groups of child rights advocates working for the protection and advancement of the rights of the Filipino children are set to face the media and representatives of non-government organizations to present an alternative to what has unfortunately become a socially acceptable form of disciplining children – spanking.


Save the Children Sweden’s 2005 Comparative Research on the Physical and Emotional Punishment of Children reveals that physical and emotional punishment are widely used in countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region, including the Philippines.  Methods used are very similar – spanking, hitting, using specific objects like stick or belt, punching, kicking and verbal assault.


Another Save the Children study in the Philippines shows that 85 percent of children are being punished inside the home, with spanking as the most common at 65 percent. Eighty two percent of the children interviewed said they were hit on different parts of the body.


In the areas covered by UNICEF Philippines, 60 percent or 3.6 million women reported that they used at least one form of psychological or physical punishment to discipline their children.  Thirteen percent reported that they used some form of severe physical punishment on their children.


In a 2011 perception survey conducted by Pulse Asia, 2 out of 3 parents said they used corporal punishment to discipline their children.  Corporal punishment is defined as the physical, emotional, and psychological punishment of children in the guise of discipline.



Press Briefing:  Positive Discipline Not Spanking


Monday, 21 May 2012 (9:30 AM to 1:00 PM)


Annabels Restaurant, Tomas Morato, Quezon City


Prof. Joan Durrant of the University of Manitoba will talk about her books, “The Positive Discipline Manual:  What is it and How to do it?”and “Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching:  Guidelines for Educators” as an approach to non-violent discipline.

Cong. Bernadette Herrera, Representative Party List Bagong Henerasyon and author of HB 4455, Positive and Nonviolent form Discipline of Children will present legislative’s response to protect Filipino children against all forms of abuse.

Ms. Wilma Bañaga of Save the Children will present the overview of the activity while Mr. Romeo Dongeto of the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development Foundation, Inc. (PLCPD), Child Rights Network Secretariat, will discuss about the groups call to action related to government’s response on the issue.



This press briefing is organized by Save the Children, the leading independent organization creating immediate and lasting change in the lives of children and the Child Rights Network (CRN), a coalition of organizations working for the protection and advancement of the rights of the Filipino children.




For your attendance and clarifications, please contact Vigie Mobile No. 0918-2936786 and Angel 0917-8590759.

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