NGO groups alarmed of increasing number of HIV cases

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Various groups are concerned by the rising number of AIDS cases in the country. In March alone, the Department of Health (DOH) reported three hundred thirteen (313) Filipinos acquired the virus which is 82 percent more compared to last year, the highest ever recorded on a monthly basis since 1984.

Dr. Eden Divinagracia, Executive Director of PNGOC, said, “This is the highest number of cases ever reported by DOH.”

“We are alarmed by the lack of awareness and information of the public regarding HIV. The HIV / AIDS registry shows that sexual contact remains as the number one mode of transmission with 280 individuals engaging from the activity. Homosexual contact resulted to 143 new cases followed by bisexual contact with 89 and heterosexual contact with 48. “

“If only there is a national policy on Reproductive Health (RH) which can help educate and inform the public about HIV /AIDS this should have been prevented. RH education can lead to responsible behavior which means higher levels of abstinence, being faithful to his/her partner and being more careful and use proper protection such as condoms. These good effects are even greater when parents can talk honestly with their children about sexual and reproductive matters.” added by Dr. Divinagracia.

PNGOC urges both houses to discuss immediately the RH bill once session resumes in May 2012. Now is the time to have a comprehensive policy on Reproductive Health.
PNGOC is a national umbrella network with more than 97 member NGOs believing that NOW is the right time for the passage of a Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood, and Population Development policy to recognize the needs of our women, children and families.

 For more information, see


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