Social NetWorth: Labyrinth

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Social NetWorth is a workshop that was conducted by Mulat Pinoy in February 2012. The participants hailed from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, and were comprised of an impressive set of college students who are leaders in their own communities. With speakers from Mulat Pinoy’s partner organizations, the participants learned about media theory and practices, the emerging rules and recommendations for social media, and the basics of population and development. Using this new knowledge, the participants returned to their communities to set up their own popdev projects, promoted and documented through social media.

Rochelle Cariño and Kenneth Mangaya-Ay are students of Mass Communications from the University of Mindanao. They are also active members of Media Education for Intelligent Awareness (MEdIA), their department’s official student organization. Using their media skills, they want to increase awareness about the environment in their native Davao.

Labyrinth is a blog made by two college students named, Chelley Cariño and Kenneth Mangaya-Ay, who aims to create a difference in the context of  Population and Development through the use of New Media aka Social Media. It is a medium wherein the use of the technological network is utilized in disseminating information to the people.

Read their blog here.

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