Kabataan Party-list calls for vigilance on Luisita distribution order, urges SC to go after all haciendas

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As flares of elation greet the Supreme Court order to distribute to farmer beneficiaries the 4,915.7 hectares of Hacienda Luisita owned by the relatives of President Benigno Aquino III, Kabataan Party-list Rep. Raymond “Mong” Palatino today welcomed the historic victory as he called for vigilance until the decision has been justly implemented.

“The Supreme Court order is definitely a historic victory especially for the farmer beneficiaries. However, given the political dominance of the Aquino-Cojuanco family in the country, it is crucial that we remain vigilant until the distribution of the bloodied Hacienda Luisita estate has been justly implemented and completed,” Palatino said.

The youth solon also said that as the order is vigilantly upheld, the people should also decisively push for genuine agrarian reform and urge the SC and government agencies to start going after other haciendas in the country for land distribution.

Read more on the Kabataan Partylist website.

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