The Knowledge Channel Outstanding Stakeholder Awards 2011

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The Knowledge Channel Outstanding Stakeholder Awards (KOSA) is a recognition and rewards program for beneficiaries and partners that have shown outstanding support for the Knowledge Channel Foundation (KCFI) and exemplary practices in implementing the Knowledge Channel program.

Two highly coveted awards will be given: Outstanding Knowledge Channel School Award, Excellence in Project implementation by a Schools division Award, and Outstanding Parent Teachers and Community Association (PTCA)

Special awards will be given to the selected Cable Operator Partner and Donors. The Outstanding Cable Operator Partner will be judged on the merits of its service to the schools and KCFI. The Outstanding Donor will be judged on the tenure and funding support it have provided the schools through KCFI.

KCFI believes that by giving tribute to outstanding stakeholders, more and more schools and partners will be inspired to support KCFI and help provide relevant and quality learning tools to schoolchildren.


1. To recognize schools with consistent and outstanding utilization of Knowledge Channel,

2. To establish high utilization among the beneficiary schools,

3. To encourage beneficiaries to be more dynamic in implementing and expanding the Knowledge Channel program through multi-stakeholders partnerships,

4. To promote support from DepEd Division Offices and cable operator partners.

The Awards

Outstanding Knowledge Channel School Award – This award will honor the school that has exemplified the highest standards in terms of implementing the educational television project. A school that is worthy of praise and replication by others for its effective, innovative, and creative utilization strategies that resulted to a significant contribution to its students, teachers, and members of the community.

Excellence in Project Implementation by a Schools Division Award – This bestows recognition to the Department of Education Schools Division Office that maintains a 100% utilization rate among beneficiary schools in its respective area. The recipient of this award should be the ideal educational institution promoting sustainable relationship between Knowledge Channel Foundation and its school members.

Outstanding Cable Operator Partner Award – This recognition will be given to the cable operator partner that is relentlessly supporting the Foundation undertakings. Beyond technical and materials assistance – it opens its corporate organization to the schools that need their expertise and espouses the advocacy of KCFI.

Outstanding Individual / Institutional Partner Award – This recognizes and acknowledges donors and funders that have continuously provided funding support to KCFI, believing in the benefits that the Channel provides to the students and the advocacy of the Foundation.

Read more on the Knowledge Channel website.

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