Partner Profile: The Birth of Talespin

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Talespin is one of Mulat Pinoy’s newest partners. Here is their story.

They observed what was taking place in the industry. They saw that the people of today’s generation care a great deal about what happens to the world around them. The environment, political affairs, technology and health, among others, are concerns that factor in to decisions that the public makes such as what to buy, patronize or be associated with. Moreover, these concerns mark the success or failure of companies that sell to them, because despite the different natures of these companies, they have one thing in common: achieving their goals depends largely on the public’s attitudes. The real and enduring success of an organization lies in its ability to influence its target market.

Thus, Talespin’s core team thought, “What if we devote our time to supporting companies and organizations whose success depends in Behavior Change?”

It was with this in mind that Talespin came into being.

Talespin is a privately owned company that provides marketing and communications support for healthcare, education, non-government and other organizations that are faced with the challenge of creating positive effects on public attitudes, beliefs and actions, to achieve their organizational objectives.

Talespin believes every organization has a story to tell its public. Our job is to create a common ground where the organization is able to achieve its goals, contribute to its public’s causes and become positive contributors to society.

Mission. To educate Philippine organizations on the value of Social Marketing, and how it can help them achieve their business objectives, while enabling them to contribute to society.

Vision. A society where organizations and people work together to achieve a common purpose of making the Philippines a better place.

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