The Philippine Family Planning Society (PFPS) is born!

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Family Planning programs have been in existence in the Philippines since the late 60′s, but have never been fully and consistently supported by the Philippine government. FP programs have also been continuously thwarted by Catholic Church leaders who actively campaign against Family Planning. Weak support by government coupled with strong Catholic Church opposition has brought about an anemic national Family Planning program that is ineffective in reducing unintended births (36% according to NDHS 2008). The ineffectuality hits the poor the most, so that the poorest women are unable to use the Family Planning methods they desire. They therefore end up having 2 children more than they intended; that is, if they survive the common life-threatening complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

“PFPS can help improve access to and enhance equity in our Family Planning Programs,” said Dr. Esmeraldo Ilem, head of the Comprehensive Family Planning Services of the Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital. “Our members can conduct outreach surgical Family Planning services in remote areas where we can also train the local FP providers, thereby providing needed services while simultaneously developing local capacities.” PFPS can train providers in communities and in hospitals, on all modern methods – medical and surgical. The training stresses proficiency, safety and quality care, including counseling and respect for patient’s rights.

For further information, contact Dr. Junice LD Melgar, Tel. 9266230/CP 09494432628.

This is a press release from the Philippine Family Planning Society, Inc.

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