FREE Belle de Jour 2012 Power Planners for SASsy girls

MP-KNN teamUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Every SASsy girl needs a planner that can keep up with her. That’s why we’re giving away TWO FREE Belle de Jour 2012 Power Planners to two SASsy girls who will –

1. “LIKE” our Facebook fan page
2. Tell us how she plans to “take flight” in 2012 by entering her comment in the Facebook feed. (Please note that for entries to be considered valid, they must be entered in the SAS Facebook Fan Page)

The two lucky winners with the SASsiest plans for the coming year will have their FREE Belle de Jour 2012 Power Planner delivered to them. So, bellas, tell us how you plan to SAS up 2012 now! : )

Original post here.

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