25 Years, 7 Films, 1 Nation: EDSAngangdaan: The EDSA Film Festival

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EDSA: Where from? Where to?

Twenty-five years have passed from the time of the EDSA Revolution of 1986. A new generation of Filipinos has since grown up, and stories about EDSA and People Power have since been retold, rehashed, and even revised over time.

Imagining the nation in various cultural forms and narratives has always comprised an integral process for the Filipino people and this has never been as true as in the case of the EDSA narratives. Thus, this upcoming December, Focus on the Global South-Philippines is showcasing the works of multi-awarded as well as up-and-coming filmmakers to tell new stories and propose fresh perspectives about the three EDSA events that have shaped us as a nation through a film fest dubbed EDSAngangdaan: The EDSA Film Festival.

Where from and where to with EDSA? Six short films, each produced under a film grant extended by Focus, in addition to Focus’ own documentary, will paint a broad canvas of Philippine society and history in relation to the three EDSAs over the years. Stories of mothers and wives of the rebelling soldiers in EDSA; stories of farmers, politicians and street children; stories of ordinary lives in extraordinary circumstances; the film festival presents all these vital stories with the aim of furthering social and historical education, of turning cinema into a vehicle for socio-political change.

EDSAngangdaan: The EDSA Film Festival officially opens on December 7, in time for International Human Rights week. Alongside the six short films and Focus’ documentary, in-depth discussions of their content will also take place on the second screening day, December 8, beginning 9:30 a.m., at the Bantayog ng mga Bayani auditorium in Quezon City. After every film will be an open exchange of views and opinions, involving selected discussants, filmmakers, educators and especially representatives among the youth.

EDSAngangdaan: The EDSA Film Festival is part of Focus on the Global South-Philippines broader contribution to the 25th Anniversary of the People Power Revolution the EDSA Stories Project. Throughout 2011, Focus, through EDSA Stories, has sought to rekindle the interest of the new generation in the continuing significance of the EDSA events, for how history is told will have an indelible impact on how history is made.

For more information about EDSAngangdaan: The EDSA Film Festival please email Jerik Cruz at [email protected], or call at 4330899 or 433-3387. Alternatively, please check the EDSA Stories website for updates at http://edsastories.focusweb.org/.

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