Power Point: Bigotry

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DSWP’s Elizabeth Angsioco comments on the controversial CCP exhibit and the role of the Catholic Church in Philippine society:

I see no problem in people adhering to their beliefs or opinions, religious or otherwise. Intolerance, however, is another thing. I will defend people’s right to believe and cling to any opinion or faith they want even if I myself do not subscribe to such. However, tolerance of others’ views must also be practiced. Intolerance brings forth imposition on others’ beliefs and even coercion of people into doing things they do not necessarily want to do.

Because of intolerance, freedoms are constrained and rights disregarded. This is where the problem lies.

Developments on the reproductive health bill and the controversial Kulo art exhibit at the Cultural Center of the Philippines may be separate and distinct from each other, but both are affected by —and both expose —the bigotry existing in our society.

Read her column on the Manila Standard website.

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