[RELEASE] UP Sorority Runs for RH Bill

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A known sorority in the University of the Philippines has organized a ‘run-for-a-cause’ to show their support for the much-debated Reproductive Health (RH) Bill this 1 August 2011, together with other UP students and RH supporters.

The UP Diliman Alpha Phi Omega (APO) International Collegiate Service Sorority has thrown their support behind the RH Bill, and has become the first sorority to openly express their approval of the measure. Their activity, “Fast Track for RH Bill Now,” will gather around 500 runners and walkers: sorority members from APO along with other supportive UP students and RH advocates. It will take place in the UP Sunken Garden from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Rochella Jose, the Grand Lady Chancellor of UP Diliman APO Service Sorority, said they will issue an official statement of support for the RH Bill, and will also sign a manifesto and pledge of commitment to sustain that support. Rowi Bautista, the Regional Director for the National Capital Administrative Region of APO will also join the event.

Elizabeth Angsioco, the national chairperson of the Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippines, will talk about the essential points of the bill and the need to have a RH law prior to the run. Other UP student organizations and sororities will also join and support the event: the UP RH Agenda (a consortium of different student organizations supporting the RH Bill), the UP College of Law Student Council, and the College of Law’s Portia Sorority. The Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates will also join and provide first aid for the event.

After the reading of the statements of support from the different student organizations, and the signing of the manifesto of support and the pledge of commitment, all the participants of the run will form a human purple ribbon in the UP Sunken Garden as their symbol of unified undying support to the RH Bill, which they believe will save a lot of women and children’s lives once enacted into law.


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