Mulat Pinoy invites youth to vlog about RH

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Abortion. Pills. Sex. Pregnancy. Virginity.

Have any of these things crossed your mind in the past week? Maybe even in the past few hours? Maybe you haven’t realized it, but you’re thinking about reproductive health. Abortions, contraceptives, sexual intercourse, pregnancy, first sexual encounters, that’s reproductive health for you. But it’s also about what your church says, about what you learn in school, about what your parents teach you, about what your doctor says.

Reproductive health is many things, and you probably think about something related to reproductive health pretty often. Do you think your city government should teach family planning? Do you think abortions should be legalized? Do you think contraceptives will breed promiscuity and immorality? Do you wonder about when you’re going to start having sex? Do you think about when you’re going to have your first child? Do you care at all?

Tell us what you think and how you feel, because it’s time everyone else listened to what YOU have to say. Send in your video blogs and join our video contest, “We Are Right Here. We Are RH.” In at least 90 seconds, show us your thoughts and opinions using songs, images, stories, even animation, and show other Pinoys what you think.

This contest is open to anyone under the age of 25. The deadline for entries is September 30, 2011. “We Are Right Here. We Are RH.” is a video contest brought to you by Mulat Pinoy. For more details visit or send an email to [email protected].

Regina Layug-Rosero
Project Coordinator, Mulat Pinoy
[email protected]
(+63917) 8163500

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