“We Are Right Here. We Are RH.” video contest

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Where exactly are you right now?

You may be surfing the net, or adding a purple ribbon on your Facebook profile picture. You be reposting blog entries by pro-life priests, or just monitoring your Twitter feed, watching the debate on the ever-controversial Reproductive Health Bill.

No matter where you are right now, your views matter. Everything about reproductive health concerns the youth and it concerns you. You are part of most the invincible and unstoppable cluster in our society. Your views are all-encompassing, fresh and bold. Whatever you think at the present may affect everyone’s future; most importantly, it will affect your future.

Get inside the circle of discussions. Let your voice be heard. Let Mulat Pinoy be your venue, letting you give a shout-out to the whole world. Join “We are Right Here. We are RH.” This amateur video competition aims to bring into the limelight young people’s take on responsible parenthood, reproductive health, and population and development.

If you are 25 years old or younger, muster your creative energies and make a video that reflects your views on the use of condoms, family planning, sex education, or anything related to the RH Bill. Be it a public service announcement or commercial, a mini-documentary, animation or a dramatic scene, you have the freedom to speak your mind on video the best way you know how.

Whether you’re pro-, anti- or neutral, get your cell phone cameras or your sleek digital camera and start shooting! Cool prizes await you, plus the chance of your work being aired on one of the most prestigious news networks in the country: the ABS-CBN News Channel.

Tell us exactly how you feel. Join “We are Right Here. We are RH.”

For contest mechanics, check our website at www.mulatpinoy.com/wearerh or send an email to [email protected]. Like us on Facebook: Mulat Pinoy. We’ll be waiting for your videos!

Regina Layug-Rosero
Project Coordinator, Mulat Pinoy
[email protected]
(+63917) 8163500

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