Ex-PBB Housemate Supports Young People for RH

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By Nurse Alvin Cloyd Dakis, AYNLA. This blog post originally appeared on The Nightingale Chronicles.

Princess Manzon, former housemate of the hit reality TV show Pinoy Big Brotheropenly expressed her support to all young people supporting and advocating the much debated Reproductive Health Bill. Like Dingdong Dantes, Princes is one of the celebrities who are openly supporting the bill and is helping out initiatives to encourage others to do so as well.

Princess Manzon backs young people for RH

For her, it is but necessary that young people be empowered through correct information and education so that they may choose what is right for them and to protect them from early sex, unwanted pregnancies, sexually-transmitted infections and even clandestine abortions.

This year, the Youth Consortium for Reproductive Health – a national network of different youth-led organizations came up with an online campaign for young people called iProtect Campaign. This online campaign made use of social media to spread its messages to the young people.
iProtect Campaign bore the following messages:
  • iProtect My Future: by protecting and prioritizing goals one would achieve finishing school enabling him/her to land a good job for him/her self and his/her family.
  • iProtect My Loved Ones: by protecting one’s self from unprotected sex & being responsible, one ensures that his or her loved ones are respected and maintaining a status of integrity to the self, family and others.
  • iProtect My Body: by protecting one’s body is ensuring one’s dignity and self worth.
  • iProtect My Health: by encouraging other young people to live a healthy and protected lifestyle and by nurturing a well & responsive health-seeking behavior.
  • iProtect My Mind: by protecting your self from illegal substances that pollutes one’s mind, one maintains a clear mind & healthy body.
  • iProtect My Rights: by keeping one’s self informed of pertinent issues that would affect young people, one protects his or her rights and in protecting & safeguarding it.
  • iProtect My Society: by loving one’s self, one ensures that his family, community & the society are protected, respected and is harmoniously co-existing. Young people’s roles in nation-building is very important.


During the taping of iProtect Campaign

During the taping of iProtect Campaign


(Watch the iProtect PSA here.)

Princess volunteered to be one of the voices of the young people in addressing their rights to reproductive & sexual health. She offered her time and talent as her way of supporting young people’s needs. Princess’ partner, Tom Mott is also supportive and goes with Princess in advocating young people’s rights to reproductive health.

For more information about the Youth Consortium for Reproductive Health, you may add them on Facebook.

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