DSWP: P-Noy’s withdrawal on RH, a betrayal to the Filipino people

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From our partner, the Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippines


P-Noy’s non-inclusion of reproductive health (RH) in his list of priority bills is a betrayal of the Filipino people especially the millions who voted for him, laments a group of women who had been advocating for the passage of the RH bill.

Reports of P-Noy’s withdrawal on the bill caught the ire of the Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippines (DSWP) who had high hopes that the RH bill’s chances of passage will be further boosted because of P-Noy’s earlier pronouncements of support for the bill.

According to Elizabeth Angsioco, DSWP’s National Chair, many women voted for P-Noy because of his pro-RH stance during the campaign. His withdrawal of support to the RH bill totally ignores the rights and welfare of women, particularly the poor women, who because of his inaction, will continue to be under threat of complications related with pregnancy and childbirth.

“This is not only anti-women, but also anti-poor,” stressed Angsioco. “He is betraying the millions of Filipinos who voted for him because he made a pact that he will listen to them. The RH bill was a campaign promise under his Social Contract with the Filipino People,” she added.

Angsioco explained, women’s organizations have repeatedly requested for a dialogue with P-Noy on this issue, but we were, and are continuously ignored, instead he gave in to the whims of the Catholic hierarchy. “Does this mean that the President looks at women as unimportant?” asked Angsioco.

If P-Noy is true to his word, it is not yet too late. We ask P-Noy to stand firm on his earlier position, fulfil his campaign promise, and still include RH bill in his legislative priorities. Angsioco said. “Show us that we, women count. Save lives of poor women, certify the RH bill as urgent,” she ended.

Contact Person:
Ms. Rhoda V. Avila
Mobile No. 09178855782
Email Address: [email protected]

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