Partner Profile: Pro Pinoy for Good Pinoys

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This online volunteer citizen’s arm promotes transparency and accountability in the government as it keeps an eye on the state’s programs and activities. While its members encourage the citizenry to actively participate in nation-building, they, at the same time, promote citizen accountability even beyond the political realms of the country.


The promotion of government transparency and accountability is accomplished through a monitored list of presidential promises and the cross-checking of these promises on the ground. It is their belief that by keeping the public informed of these items, citizen involvement and accountability is simulataneously promoted. Online blogging and posting of all relevant news, government documents, and commentary, including public transactions, human rights issues, proposed public policies, official statements and more give the public multiple prespectives on issues. This gives them a better position in support of the changes they aim for the government to implement. The making of a ‘good pinoy’ is, in its real sense, rooted in the increase in information awareness, and how intrumental it is in participation and involvement. is the newest partner of Mulat Pinoy. It works together with online communities, and highly encourages all of us to be part of the crusade against ignorance, cover-ups, apathy, and complacency. Be part of the ProPinoy Project! Participate and be heard, for we all are part of the circle.

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