Heating up the Popdev debate

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SASDevelopment workers have long lamented the fact that social issues do not get as much media coverage and public attention because the causes aren’t “sexy” enough. Nothing whets the appetite for information more than a little controversy, and a sense of urgency.

Here’s where the population and development (popdev) advocacy has an edge. While it touches upon a number of critical issues like housing and food supply that may be deemed too ‘serious’ for popular consumption, its most basic premise is something that we can all relate to. Sex–and all its steamy, sordid consequences–is always a crowd drawer.

Enter Founded in January 2010 by a sassy group of women from media and advertising, SAS aims to empower women to make responsible sexual choices by giving honest, accurate facts about sexual health and reproductive rights. The website contains a wealth of information ranging from the raunchy (how best to have sex on the beach, and no, they’re not referring to the cocktail) to the relevant (how the RH Bill can help achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals).

The site also serves as an online guide to activities and events that support sexual health initiatives, including SAS’s very own Triple S Workshops. These workshops tackle three major S’s that every individual should know: 1) Safer sex and STI prevention, 2) Sexual Health Rights, and 3) Stigma and Discrimination.

As partners in advancing popdev awareness in the country, SAS and Mulat Pinoy regularly share information and resource speakers about RH and other related issues. With SAS’s enlightened pillow talk and Mulat Pinoy’s eye-opening initiatives, demographic discussions just got more exciting!

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