Are you satisfied with the results of this election?

MP-KNN teamUncategorized1 Comment

The whole country went to the polls on Monday, May 10, and with a 75% voter turnout, it looks like the results are as good as in: Sen. Benigno Aquino III is leading as our next President, while Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay has garnered the most votes for Vice President.

The official declaration of the winners has yet to be made, but already many voters are expressing dismay–over the process, the results, even the voters:

What do you think of the national elections? Are you frustrated with the results? Elated that Noynoy is winning? Who did you vote for? How was the election in your precinct?

Share your blog posts, Facebook notes and comments with the rest of the country. Send them to mulatpinoy (at) probefound (dot) com or post the link on our Facebook page.

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