Opinion: Picture this

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By Liwliwa Malabed

The article, When RH bill becomes a law, painted a scenario if the RH Bill is passed. It was quite obvious that the author was dead set against RH bill. He speculates that upon the approval of House Bill 5043, young girls will be rushing to the next-door sari-sari store to buy pills and takatak boys will be swarmed by teenage boys procuring condoms alongside candies and cigarettes. I have to give it to him—he does have a wild imagination and a penchant for the exaggeration while completely disregarding the essential. He should read How to Oppose the RH Bill and maybe, just maybe, he’ll fare batter on his next attempt. Or better yet, read and digest every word of the House Bill 5043.

The article also questions the validity of recent surveys showing the growing support for RH bill. He speculates that the polls are but part of a conspiracy to set the trend and manipulate the people into accepting RH bill based on apparent consensus. I wonder if I will hear any complaints if the poll results lean on his side.

As a reaction to this post, I’m going to paint a new scenario. Picture a country with a “quality oriented populace.” Where every child goes to school, where every family eats healthy meals thrice a day in a house they can call their own. Where health and other basic government services are extended to all, where clean rivers flow and one can breathe in fresh air. I know that the congress’ passing of the RH bill will not magically transform our country and that there’s still so much work to be done but it’s a good start.

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