Mulat Pinoy wakes us up for the upcoming polls

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The 2010 National Elections paves the way for many bloggers and writers to reflect and comment on the many issues confronting the nation. The platforms and stands of political position aspirants regarding various topics are given significant attention, as they become the essential criteria for winning the public vote.

Mulat Pinoy is composed of individuals whose common goal is to harness the power of social media and the Internet to bring about a broader awareness of population and development (PopDev) issues, especially in the coming 2010 elections. It encourages political candidates to adopt and address PopDev issues in their campaign platforms, while simultaneously empowering the general public by informing them about the candidates’ stands through social media.

Population and development training seminars, as well as open-to-the-public forums involving social/political experts and candidates, count among the many events being organized by Mulat Pinoy. These are conducted by the Probe Media Foundation, Inc. (PMFI) and supported by the Philippine Center for Population and Development (PCPD).

Population is a basic element of any given system. In terms of cultural fields, the way public health, the economy, education and many others develop over time is reliant on the complex interplay between population and development.

In the Philippines, as in many developing nations, the population issue is a pressing one, with basic necessities like food, shelter and education often unavailable or in very short supply compared to demand. Societal concerns like poverty, gender issues, environmental management and much more all rely heavily on population.

Being aware is just the first step. It is time to open our minds to new directions and resourceful solutions for our most pressing social problems. It is up to us, the present generation, to pave the way for a better, brighter, and progressive future for our nation. Mulat, Pinoy!

The Mulat Pinoy Website Launch and PopDev Training session will be on December 19, 2009, from 11:00AM to 5:00PM, at the 3rd floor Tribeca Room, Astoria Plaza Hotel, Ortigas Business District, Pasig City. Pre-registration is required, please visit or email [email protected]

Participate and be an informed citizen! Learn more about population, development and the political landscape so that you can make educated decisions in the coming elections.

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