Sex Education…in school…in the net…in demand

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Image by Dominik Gwarek

MEDIA ADVISORY: Let’s talk about sex education or let’s not! In the Philippines it is still a controversial issue.

Image by Dominik Gwarek

Image by Dominik Gwarek

While the debate on providing sexuality and RH education in the school curriculum continues, the reality is that adolescents are not deprived of information thanks to the internet. But even with information within their reach, are they getting the right information when it comes to sexual and reproductive health concerns?

Close to half of our youth are unaware that it is possible for a woman to get pregnant after the first sexual encounter according to the Young Adults Fertility and Sexuality Survey. In the same survey, 72.7% of Filipino youth believe that AIDS is curable. Young people are also not comfortable and rarely talk about sex and sexuality at home. YAFSS data show that only 15.7 percent of youth aged 15-24 freely talk about sex and sexuality at home.

But wouldn’t parents feel more relieved to know that age appropriate sexuality education modules have been developed by the Department of Education? That even outside the classroom, there is a website run by Filipino and international health professionals such as Psychologists, OB-GYN, Pediatricians and RH experts that they can access anytime, anywhere?

Find out more about the State of Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and the new ways of reaching out and giving sex-ed to Filipino youth.

PRESS CONFERENCE: Sexuality and RH Education for Youth: In school…in the net… in demand

Wednesday, 10 November 2010 at 10 AM to 12:00 NN
Anabel’s Restaurant, Tomas Morato, Quezon City


Dr. Wei Siang Yu, medical doctor known as “Dr. Love” in Singapore will speak about enabling access to sexuality and reproductive health information online. He is famous for his innovative and pioneering work in converging information technology, medicine and life science in South East Asia and he is introducing his Sexxie.TV in the Philippines.

Cong. Raymond Palatino, Representative, Kabataan Partylist will talk about Giving the Youth a Voice in Congress while Ms. Cecil Villa, Executive Director of Foundation for Adolescent Development will talk about their experience in working with young people.

Mario Balibago – YPeer Pilipinas
Prof. Alvin Dakis CCM, RN – Young Nurses Association of the Philippines

For information and confirmation please contact Chi Laigo Vallido 0918-9443850 or reply to this email or at chi.vallido (at)

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